About Me

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Hello! Welcome to my blog! I've long been convinced that I'm not interesting enough to blog but others have persuaded me to give it a try. My name is Mark Summers and I live in Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK. My interests include politics (name a country, I'll read about it!) and, as a committed Christian, theology. I've got a whole load of other things I'd write on though so I've added 'Stuff' to the name. Hopefully that will cover things! I've been writing for many years and will hope to share some of my old pieces along with entries on current events and my random ideas. I'm also single......

Monday, 21 October 2013

Moon flyby - Modified XBox camera and Skywatcher Explorer 150P EQ3-2

Just a quick blog post tonight and one that has NOTHING to do with US politics (cue whoops of delight from every reader – all four of you).

The other night I set up my telescope with a webcam attached and got a few photos.

I was quite surprised that a pic I put on Facebook got a few likes so I thought I’d write a post about how I did it (pics and video at the end if you want to miss the next few paragraphs).

The photos were taken with an Xbox webcam that I adapted to fit into the telescope viewfinder.

To do this I just copied some advice from another blog (see http://astrobeano.blogspot.co.uk/2012/01/xbox-360-webcam-for-astrophotography.html).

In essence you open it up and remove the LEDs and lens before sticking on a tube to help the camera focus.

Below is a pic of my DIY – not brilliant but it got the job done!!

Next up, hook up the camera to the ‘scope (mine is a Skywatcher 150P if anyone cares).

Here is my set up, which was messed around slightly by a road light in my back yard.

Next all I did was point it at the Moon and get some pics and a video. Have a look below and enjoy!!  

Four seas - from top Mare Seranatis, Mare Tranquilum (home to the Apollo 11 landing site) and the top of Mare Nectaris, to the right is Mare Crisium

Two craters - Kepler and Copernicus, named after two great astronomers. Kepler is 110 million years old, Copernicus about 800 million years old. 

Crater at the 'bottom' of the Moon called Tycho - named after another astronomer, this crater is around 108 million years old.

Finally a video for your enjoyment. It is a minute long and pretty boring but I'm really pleased with it. The telescope is stationary as the Moon passes the lens.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

If the US shutdown were a sweetshop

Up-to-date as ever and posting only just after the shutdown has been sorted I thought people might find this helpful (sorry, my course gives me NO free time at all!!).

A friend asked me on Facebook to explain the US shutdown and use sweets as a way to explain how money is handed out.

So, below is what I posted to help her out:

"......Let's give the sweets idea a try. Congress approves how the sweets are handed out and Obama signs that plan into law. However the Republicans won't approve a budget (the sweet distribution) if it still funds Obamacare (the inevitable trip to the dentist) whilst Obama won't sign a budget that doesn't. Obama is right as Obamacare is protected by a Supreme Court (or if you prefer a Cadbury's legal department) decision. However this means that atm most people who work for the federal government don't get any sweets and therefore aren't at work (the Army etc are protected, which is helpful as they have to exercise due to their sweet intake). Basically the Republicans are acting like toddlers with no sweets and sulk and strop about hoping that their behaviour will help them get their way. However, as all parents know, it won't."

Thankfully since then the GOP came to it's senses and approved a budget plan. 

The next fiscal issue will arise early next year when the current agreement runs out and once again there will be arguing over how the US Government gives out its money.

The fact that it is not "its money" and that most of US debt is based on Chinese bonds appears to be less of a worry to lawmakers than it should be.

Ho hum....

Debate warmly encouraged.