Hot off the press and constantly up-to-date (!!), here are my
thoughts on the US election.
Firstly, the right candidate won......sorta. I put down on
my blog before the election that Obama was going to win and that if I had to
support one candidate, it would be him. However, as I said at the time, do not
think of that as a ringing endorsement. There I many things which are objectionable
to Obama in the White House. He is in favour of gay marriage, he opposes any
further limits being put on abortion, he lied his way to victory in his first
presidential win and he did the same this year.
However, there are plus points to an Obama Presidency that I
just didn’t see in Romney, and those are on the economy, where he acted bravely
to support a motor industry which would have crumbled without Federal support,
and internationally, where he is able to hold his own and where a man with 4
years experience will do much better than a fresh-faced newcomer with no idea
what to do. On both these things Obama was a better candidate than Romney, who opposed
the auto-bailout and was going to brand China a currency manipulator on his
first day in office, an empty gesture that would only incur the wrath of China’s
new leadership.
Secondly, the politics of the US has shifted. The polling
data has been showing this for a few years but it is only with a Presidential
election that these issues can really be seen. The average voter in the US is happier
with single ‘moms’, happier with gay rights, willing to support abortion rights
in some form and more open to immigration and the changes in racial
demographics this will bring to the US. All these issues were covered by the
candidates, and on most of them they took opposite views. Obama took the
victory narrowly, but even that victory is a sign of change in US society.
Thirdly, demographics. It is easy to forget that some people
were predicting a Romney landslide in 2012. Now I think they were misguided,
but they weren’t just plucking those figures out of nowhere. These were people
who know their stuff and were willing to predict a GOP win. And they were BADLY
wrong. Like, really, really BADLY wrong. Florida’s vote is now in and it went with
Obama (along with Colorado they clearly didn’t read my memo – 2 states of a
correct prediction, grrr), give the President a win of 332 to 206 in the
Electoral College. That landslide is revealed in the breakdown of voter
As an example, Obama didn’t just beat Romney in getting the
black and Latino vote. He thrashed
him, winning 90% and 70% of their votes respectively. Romney lost the single
woman’s vote by 36 points. His only main demographic wins were the white vote
(60%) and married women (7% over Obama). But these simply reflect the values
that are diminishing. Marriage rates are falling, the numbers of white
Americans are falling year on year to Latino, black and other racial
backgrounds and roughly 65% of Americans are in favour of loosening immigration
laws (though I’m a tad sceptical of that poll and the way it was conducted).
Fourthly, the future. All this shows that a shift is coming
to US politics as the Republicans seek to embrace new views whilst keeping to
their foundations. As I’ve mentioned before the Latino vote will continue to grow, to the extent that Texas will be a swing
state within the next 20 years. The GOP will need to find ways to reach out to
this community, whether that’s by changing views on immigration or the economy
(though I hope and pray they don’t change on gay marriage or abortion).
But the Democrats will need to change as well. They had the
demographic boost this year and as long as they can keep to that they can win.
But they will not be able to play racial politics for too many elections
without people seeing what they’re doing. They will need to deliver on policies
they promote, they will need to attract people to them because of firm ideals
and not just because of stereotyping. All this could take a long time to come
to fruition but it will need to take place.
And so, in talking to the future, we come to the obligatory
random guess as to who should run next time. I banged the drum for Chris
Christie to run this time round but in the Lord’s good providence he didn’t
(maybe he doesn’t read this blog.....nah, that’s crazy talk) and so was able to
deal with Superstorm Sandy and the needs of the people of New Jersey. I think
that will boost his credibility and enable him to reach across the party divide
in the years to come. He has a gubernatorial election next year which he will
win (before Sandy he was still mid-50s in approval ratings), so he will have to
decide whether to run or not and then if he runs and wins whether he leaves
early to launch a White House bid. It is all awkwardly timed for him – not standing
will announce SUPER early that he is going for the White House, stepping down
as Governor could be a bad PR move. Paul Ryan (Romney’s running mate) would
also be a strong candidate but I fear he may lead to an even bigger defeat for
the Republicans than this year with his strong hardline economic views.
And what about the Democrats. One thing is for certain,
Obama won’t be running as a President is limited to 2 4-year terms (under the
22nd Amendment for all you geeks out there). SO who is a rising star?
Well Hillary Clinton could run, especially as she won’t be Secretary of State
in Obama’s second term. But I think that she might be a long shot as she’ll be
69 by 2016. For me the more likely choices are Andrew Cuomo or Michael O’Malley,
Governors of New York and Maryland respectively or, from the lower tier of
government that is Mayor-dom (is that a word?),
Antonio Villaraigosa of LA or Julian Castro of San
Antonio, both of whom gave great speeches at the Democratic National Convention
in September. His twin brother Joaquin is also a good candidate for the future and
currently serves as one of Texas’ Congress members. If I had to pick out of
that list, it would be for O’Malley, closely followed by Villaraigosa.
So, another exciting US election down and a phenomenal
result for Obama, captured through excellent campaigning and a good tactical
get out the vote campaign. It was a tremendous victory as Obama fought against
every statistic to stay in the White House, even beating the never-fails-except-when-it-fails Redskins rule. Interestingly he made far less outrageous campaign
promises this time round so we shall see where things go in the future.
For those who care, the next election in the world
is in Sierra Leone on November 17th. There has already been
significant controversy over candidates not turning up for debates and rumours
of bribery and vote-rigging. Join with me in praying that election goes
smoothly and that the candidate there is as gracious in defeat as Romney was.
Debate warmly encouraged